Sunday, February 10, 2008

Home Remedies for Acne

Acne has been a major concern of most teenagers and some adults. Though new acne treatments allows a faster and scar free removal of acne.

Let us know first some factors where we can get acne. First factor is genes, you may inherit some skin characteristics that can make you likely to develop acne.

You have thousands of oil glands in the skin; on your face, chest and back that lubricate the skin by producing sebum, or oil. There are 2,000 oil glands per square inch in the central part of your face. The oil from the glands flows through tiny ducts to the skin surface. At times, the oil ducts become plugged with sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells that are shed from the lining of the duct and that is acne. This condition often appears in adolescence because of changing hormone levels, which enlarge the oil glands and encourage them to produce more oil. The increase in oil appears to fuel acne, perhaps by stimulating the production of sticky skin cells that, when shed, tend to plug the duct. this situation usually settles down by the end of the teen years or during the early 20s.

Adult could develop acne from hormones, stress, cosmetics, occupational exposure (numerous chemicals can also cause acne), and certain medication.

There are steps you can take to help clear up your skin.

  • Do no harm. Don't prick, press, rub, or otherwise manipulate those pimples. The plug at the top of the pore is like a balloon. You can pop it, but below the surface, the sebum, bacteria, and skin cells may leak into the surrounding tissue, causing inflammation.
  • Use benzoyl peroxide. Some over-the-counter product contain this ingredient, which helps break up the plug of dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil in pores and cuts down on the bacteria as well. Start with the lowest concentration, and work your way up, especially if you have sensitive skin, because the higher concentration, the more irritating it may be. Use it once or twice a day. If it dries the skin too much, apply a mild moisturizers.
  • Give one of the over-the-counter product a shot.
  • Apply over-the-counter products for prevention. Don't just spot the product on existing acne, put it on acne-prone areas.
  • Go easy on your face.
  • Wash properly. Use a mild soap. Rub lightly with your fingertips and warm water. For oily skin, use a soap with benzoyl peroxide for its drying properties. And wash once or twice a day.
  • Don't exfoliate. That refers to removing the top layer of skin cells.
  • Watch out for oily products. That goes for oily pomades on your hair, heavy oil-based moisturizers, and even oily cleansers.
  • Use water-based makeup.
  • Fore go the facial. Since most people giving facial aren't trained to treat acne-prone skin properly and may end up doing more harm than good.
  • Don't rest your chin on your hands.
  • Soak up the oil. There are paper product that can be pressed onto the skin to soak up oil. Though it doesn't help acne, it helps relieve the oiliness which is disagreeable.
  • Screen out the sun.Protect your skin by means of sunblock with SPF 15 or higher.
  • Don't worry about diet. Chocolate, french fries, and other foods have not been proven to have anything at all to do with causing teenage acne.
  • Watch out for iodine. High levels of iodine, found in some multiple vitamins and in iodized salt, may encourage acne.

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