Thursday, August 23, 2007


Obesity seems to be spreading like an epidemic to humans. Wherever I go, I can always see these kinds of people that are why I get so curious. Is there a difference between obese and just overweight? According to Awake! Magazine that I've read, The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. says that obesity is being seriously overweight because of excess body fat. The height-weight table will be a big help in determining when one is overweight or has passed into the obese stage.

What causes obesity? One is genetics, like on one theory states that human body naturally store excess calories for possible future needs. In science parlance, 25%-40% of the variability in population body weight can be explained by genes. Another is the person's lifestyle which is the major cause of obesity. The Mayo Clinic says your diet determined that the body weight and physical activity. Eating excess calorie, leading a sedentary lifestyle or a combination of both may lead to obesity. According to the book Food Fight, the obesity is very difficult to treat and most people who lose weight don't keep it off. Most optimistic estimates that 25 percent lose weight and maintain the loss often requiring many tries.

Obesity can lead to severe health problems. Dr. Scott Loren-Selco, a neurologist at the University of Southern California Medical Center, warns of the danger of type 2 diabetes for even young people who are obese. Though according to Dr. Edward Taub, a famous writer on nutrition says that it ha recently become more fashionable, and even politically correct, to believe that being overweight is just a normal and acceptable part of modern life. This is truly an amazing public relation feat accomplished by the economic interests that thrive on fattening us.

According to Mayo Clinic on Height Weight, fat in the abdomen increases the risk of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer.

However is there any solution for so many youths and adults that are overweight and in danger of serious health complications? Some diets that could eliminate carbohydrates and increase intake of protein can lead to weight loss. However, they say that over the long run, there can be negative secondary effects like excessive iron levels in the blood, kidney problems, and constipation. So, if you want a low carbohydrate diet, be sure to consult a doctor first. However there is another way to loose weight and it is for a long term effect. Exercise and reasonable diet are a good way to lose weight.

Eliminating those excesses fats isn't that easy at all. So, for all that haven't affected by this epidemic yet, we should start to move now, exercise and eat reasonable diet. What do you think?

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